August 04, 2006

Jackson Fair...see you there!

Have you ever made a snap decision and then felt terrible about it? Well, that was us yesterday...all day I just felt sick to my stomach...and later when I talked to Sam on the phone, he was feeling the same way. So he decided to pack it up at Columbus and head back home. I am glad he is coming back and I feel so much better about us being able to still go to Jackson Fair. I guess we kind of learned from this...when we have those feelings of anxiety and restlessness about something, it's God trying to tell us that it's not the right thing to do. We both need to be more aware of God working in our lives. And then trust that he has our best interests in mind.
So anyway, we WILL be at Jackson County Fair next week. August 6-12. If you are in the area stop by and see the GIANT OCTOPUS show! I will be working some, but Sam will be there most of the evenings. It looks like a great week weather-wise according to the 10 day forcast!
On another note, this morning while I was in the living room watching TV with the kids, we saw a mouse run across the floor! We could have tried to get it out from under the entertainment center, but then I would have to try to kill it! I just can't wack a little furry mouse until he dies. That just seems kind of barbaric. I guess today we'll be making a trip to the store to buy some mouse traps!


Blogger inki said...

hehehe Julie..feed it to the giant octopus! ;)
Seriously..have a great show!

4:39 PM  

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