May 08, 2006

A Grid of my...yard

OK, I don't really have a garden...don't want one either. The previous owners of our home were crazy about gardening. Out tulips are mostly gone, but I would estimate that our yard holds about 300 various different kinds of tulips. They are so beautiful! Last spring when we leveled out the old garden and sodded it for more lawn space, my brother in law and I dug up about 100 bulbs at least. We gave a lot of them away. The tulips were one of the things I loved about this house when we came to see it a second time with our realtor. This spring I probably cut about 150 flowers and gave them away or had them in different vases in the house, and it didn't even look like I made a dent in what we had! I love that. I have been wanting to get out and draw the different flowers growing around our yard...and today I created this little grid drawing of some of them. My favorites are the bleeding hearts. It was a bush that belonged to the previous owners mother and we dug it out of the middle of the old garden, and transplanted it near the northwest corner of our home. Our yard guy, not knowing what it was, leveled it last spring, much to my dismay! And I hoped all year that it would come back. This spring it is huge! It has tons of little bleeding hearts. They are such awesome little flowers. And the kids absolutely love them. They will pick off a heart and bring it to me and I can see the love in their eyes as they hand me the delicate little heart. Nature is so amazing, really. Have you ever just sat down and inspected something like a bleeding heart flower...and each one is so perfectly formed. It just reminds me of how creative God is. And to think that He cares enough about us to be creative with something so small as a little bleeding heart bush so that we could enjoy it. That just makes me smile. Anyway, I actually created this for a postcard swap I am doing on ArtistJournals2 group. I have already received some amazing cards. I really don't have time to do this kind of stuff, but it's so fun. And I am glad I took some time today to enjoy drawing outside. I needed it.


Blogger pedalpower said...

Beautiful! Love the colors. I feel the same way about God and nature. Everytime I start to feel guilty about the time I take to create, I remind myself that I am created in his image. No wonder I have the urge to create!

9:25 AM  
Blogger inki said...

Very Nice Julie!

6:24 PM  
Blogger crystalcha28 said...

I love your colors! Yes, we do have a wonderfulyl creative God don't we?

4:59 AM  

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