November 18, 2005

Blind Contour Friday #16 - Brass Candlestick

My mother in law gave this to me one year for Christmas. It is a brass candlestick...the mouse, reading a book, has a tail that becomes the support for the candle holder. I love the character and it has a nice patina to it, little hints of green, and has drips of wax down his ear and left arm. Unfortunately, you are looking at a blind contour drawing of it, which is not a good representation of it at all. Regardless, it's one of my favorite little things on my shelf in my studio. I rarely burn it, but I was thinking, it just doesn't look right with a brand new candle in it, so maybe today. Why not? I have nothing else to do. This is my fourth day home from work. I haven't left my house since Tuesday night! I actually got sent home from work on Tuesday, and then spent the rest of the week in bed and on the couch trying to recover from a really bad case of asthmatic bronchitis. The doctor said it was close to pneumonia and I have to go back next week, just to be sure it hasn't gotten worse. I am sure I have nothing to worry about. My 3 perscriptions are doing their job. I have never taken this many sick days in a row! I hope I don't regret using so many. I am sure I could have gone to work today, but I probably would've been miserable, and Sam said I needed to just call in. So I did. I talked to my sub this morning, who is different from the sub I have had for the past 2 days. He said that my plans were confusing. Hopefully he will do ok. I just feel guilty staying home from you ever feel like that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice use of that brass colored wash in the background. enjoying your work a lot.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great BC and oh so charming. I love it when I can see how the line meanders around describing the shape and when it's apparent that the artist really did it blind.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

Great subjects! And I like the colour wash background too. :o)

10:56 PM  

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