September 08, 2005

EDM Challenge #27 - Draw a book

Last weekend we loaded up the kids, snacks, the wagon & stroller and headed about 40 minutes away to Thurston's Flea Market. There were a ton of vendors there since it was Labor Day weekend. I wasn't terribly excited about going, especially after the last time & having a bad experience with tired kids. But I decided to have a good attitude & go along, because Sam and the kids really wanted to. I am glad I did because we really had a nice time together. Not to mention the fact that we found some really neat things. Max got a Hulk lunchbox and a Spiderman "watch" that projects the image of a spider web in red light on the wall. It was a quarter! Savannah bought some cute sunglasses and a stuffed puppy with her dollar. She took the puppy to school for show and tell today, making sure to tell everyone that she got it at the flea market for a quarter. Her puppy's name is Zoe. Karson got a book...I think that is all...he just liked riding along. Sam found a great game for the kids for 4.00 that they absolutely love. He bought a record player. (I don't think we have any records I don't know if he'll ever use it...but I think he just bought it for its nostalgic value). We got some cool glasses from the 50's with carousel animals on them...I will have to draw them sometime because they are really cool. I found these three books. This guy was selling them three for a dollar. The Italy one is actually a recipe book...but on each page, the recipe takes up about 1/3 of the page and above it is a photo of a place in Italy - usually somewhere that relates to the recipe. They are black & white photos. Many of them of places I visited when I went to Italy about 12 years ago. I mentioned before about wanting to redo my journal & make an illustrated journal of my trip to Europe...and this is so perfect. I will have to alter it a bit, but it is in great condition...and will be perfect for that. I am most excited about this project! But I also found the agriculture book of insects. I am hosting an ATC swap of Creepy Crawlies and this is such a great find that I am going to make everyone a Title card for the swap with the great ink illustrations of insects this book is filled with! I have already started to cut it up! The Nature Wonders book I thought would make a good altered book journal, which I have never actually made, but it has a lot of beautiful pictures in it. So there is my flea market treasure. The paper in my new journal is kind of brownish and is handmade in Nepal...just in case anyone is curious why the background looks different in my drawings. Also this drawing is drawn with a Sepia Micron 05 pen and Prismacolor pencils.


Blogger Laureline said...

So nice, Julie. I love how the paper you're using becomes an active element in the drawing.

5:50 AM  
Blogger pedalpower said...

Very nice! Did the vendor use his stamp on your page-or how did you do that part?

11:47 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

Good question about the vendor's stamp! Don't you just love old books!?! Beautiful drawing.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Nita Van Zandt said...

This is so nice--what a nice job on the printed titles, something I find impossible to do!

7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie: I am a regular view -- and ADORE your journal!! I only hope that my sketches will grow as wonderful as yours! Keep up the inspirational work!

11:16 AM  
Blogger Julie Durocher said...

Thanks for all the nice comments. About the stamps...No it wasn't the vendors stamps, they are just some stamps I have laying around. The large letters are some that I just bought from Stampin' Up...I love them! The small letters are a magnetic set.

7:35 AM  

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