Waiting...a Good Opportunity to Draw

Today I was kicking myself for not sticking my journal in my bag. I was at the Social Security office trying to get another SS card for my daughter who needs it for starting school (nothing like waiting till the last minute!) I waited in line for almost an hour only to find out that the paper I had for identification had to be signed by her doctor! Argh! I had just stopped there before I went to the SS office. So I get back in my car and head across town, take the paper in and get it signed, and head back to the SS office...where there is even more people waiting now. I had to get a new number...and this time waited about one hour and fifteen minutes!!!! So I got so restless sitting there, that I went and grabbed a pamphlet from it's rack on the wall and drew three of the people in the waiting room. The Social Security office definitely attracts some interesting drawing subjects. I drew the three people I could most inconspicuously record on paper.
wow julie..you should frame these as a set! VERY nice for doing them on pamphlets!
What I like best is that the words on the pamplets have some sort of connections to the drawings themselves and the the subjects as well. I love how you flat colored the negative space around the figures. Nice job!!
Given the backstory, these illustrations are even more perfect! I really like the pattern the words make, and I like that you colored the background. It makes a wonderful series...I agree with inki...you should frame these.
I'm horrible like that too, I can't sit down and do nothing these days! I bring my knitting with me everywhere, or a book to read or...
Like your drawings.
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