I'll Be Back.

The watercolor above is of my journals. I am on number 5. Number 1 was never completely filled though, but I don't think I will go back to it since I love the size of the moleskines so much. The one I am using now is a journal I made. I covered it with construction paper from school and the corners are already worn away, but luckily, I reinforced them with lime green duct tape, so it's not coming apart. I customized it with a pocket in the back (like my moleskines) and made a tie for it with a piece of trim I had in a box at school. Come to think of it, I believe I made the whole thing at school. Anyway, I am really loving the white pages (80 lb student grade drawing paper) even though they are inferior to the moleskine...it's a nice change and I am probably more attached to it since I created it myself.
I am leaving in a couple of days to go camping with my kids. This will be my last post until the 16th of July probably. I will be away from the computer and will post pages from my journal when i get back. I was actually thinking of making a journal just for the camping trip. I may still do that. I will miss looking at everyone else's drawings and stuff while I am gone...it will probably take me at least a week to catch up on all the emails and sites that I like to visit. See you back here when I return.
Have a safe trip Julie. Can't wait to see your new drawings.
I love your post and the creative energy you describe with the kids. I just made my 2nd journal and I LOVE making my own too. The smaller size (mine is 8 1/2 x 11 whe open and flat) is perfect! And your post on the photo album was really cool.
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