EDM Challenge #21 - Draw Something Old

This is perhaps the oldest object in our home. It is a small hymnbook of John Wesley's Hymns. It contains 769 hymns. Just words, no music. It has no publishing date. It was published in London. The only date written in the book was on the second page where someone had written this name and the date in a sepia fountain pen (it looks like).
The cover is quite worn and the spine of the book is coming apart. I would guess it is probably near this old, but not sure. Sam picked it up at some garage sale once. I included some of the text from the book on my page just because I thought the language used was interesting and it kind of states why these small hymnbooks were made. If anyone would know more information about this book, I would be interested in finding out more about it.
This is a beautiful page! The text makes a wonderful background and you did a great job on the book and the hand.
What a fascinating old book. You did a great job with the sketch and the page looks wonderful with the text in the background. Well done.
Very beautiful composition and colors.
Beautiful page. I love the contrast between the yellowed pages of the hymnal and the black outline of your hand.
VEry well done, beautiful.
The layout is beautiful. The drawings are so very well done that I can even sense the texture of the book. Bravo!
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