
Last night we took the kids to Trunk or Treat at our church. There were over 50 trunks decorated this year. It was about 50 degrees and extremely windy. It sprinkled a little. Max was out of sorts all day with a fever... I didn't really want to take him, but it's a family thing, so we made him go. He didn't feel good and he cried and screamed the whole time we tried to get him ready. He did not understand what we were doing and that added to not feeling well made a very unhappy Max. Sam kept saying "Max, do you want some candy?" Of course Max would reply with "Yes!" Then we told him he had to wear his costume to get the candy. He didn't understand. He probably thought we were torturing him...the way we kept asking him if he wanted candy. I finally got his costume on him...after a huge struggle...and then we gave him a sucker to make him happy. I just kept thinking to myself, "what am I doing, making my kid go through this all for a crazy tradition?" I would never give my kid a sucker to calm him down...under normal circumstances. Anyway, by the time we got to church, he was fine, with sticky sucker all over his face and hands along with his fur from his lion costume. He had chunks of sucker stuck to the front of his costume, but he was happy. We got to Trunk or Treat 15 minutes early, and it was already packed! There were so many more people there this year than have ever been there before. We speculate that it probably has to do with the fact that we were having it on the 30th instead of the 31st. Jackson's trick or treating is tonight, so I imagine we had a larger crowd because of that. By the time we left, after an hour, the lines wrapped almost completely around the church. I am sure they ran out of candy before it was over. We headed home after Savannah had a chance to ride the ponies. When we got home we gathered at the dining room table, dumped out all the candy, and let everyone pick something to eat. Max was pretty amazed at all the candy. Then we cleaned up a few things, turned on the fireplace, popped some microwave popcorn and heated up water for the hot chocolate. Jason, Micki and Grace came over and we hung out and watched Savannah and Grace perform for us in front of the fireplace. Each time, Sam had to announce the next performance. They did dances, told stories and sang songs. Very cute and quite funny. Karson wanted Jason to hold him the whole time. He loves to cuddle with Uncle J. Don't know what that's all about, but I think Jason secretly loves it. Max wanted to be like the girls, so he would get out there and do a crazy Max dance and every time, he would end up down on one knee with his hands in the air, "Tada!"
Today Max woke up throwing up, Karson now has a fever. I sent Savannah to church with my sister, and I'm staying home with the boys. I was going to take the kids trick or treating in the neighborhood tonight, but I am not sure if we'll make it because of everybody feeling sick...I even feel a little yucky. I am sure it is some sort of flu. I just hope I don't have to miss school.
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