Weekend Project

On Thursday night Sam asked me what my plans were for this weekend...Thinking he probably already had an agenda, I asked "why?" He then told me that we would be spending our weekend stuffing 15,000 mini cds into plastic sleeves and packing them in boxes. WHAT? Sam and Jason just finished their job for SAU - a new catalog on mini cd. They designed it and sent it away to a company who prints and burns cds in mass quantities. The company mistakingly shipped all 15,000 of the cds shrink wrapped in packs of 150...instead of each individually packaged in sleeves, as originally stated in the contract. Anyway...they had the company ship all the supplies to package them ourselves (overnight) and they refunded Eureka! Multimedia some of the cost of printing. That means we had to package all the cds and have them ready for delivery Monday morning. It became a family effort, Sam stayed up till 6:00am sleeving cds. He got about half of them done. Savannah learned how to put the cds in the sleeves correctly, Max helped tear the sheets of sleeves apart...Savannah stacked them so they were all going the same way and I packed them in boxes...later in the afternoon Mom and Dad showed up and were ready to help out too. We opened up the table, and all four of us (sometimes Savannah too) had them all done by 5:30pm on Saturday! It was even kind of fun...but I sure wouldn't want to do it for my job. They also sent us extra sleeves, so now I gotta think of something to make with them. I thought a book would be cool...I made a pocket on the next page. That's a stamp from my mom behind it and I put a few things from my yard in the pocket.

Thanks for sharing your weekend. I can just see the kids learning to stuff the sleeves. Once when I was a kid my dad worked for a motorcycle shop turning street bikes into choppers a la Easy Rider which came out about that time. He brought home multiple wiring harnesses once for us to assemble and we all learned to cut them to the right length and put them together. I hadn't thought about that in years.
I also love what you did with the extra sleeve.
Your spare sleeve pocket book is great!
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