Illustration Friday ~ Smelly

Here is my drawing for illustration friday...for more info check out Penelope's blog. The theme this week was SMELLY. The thing that came to my mind was poopy diapers. With two kids still in diapers it seems that I am constantly changing them. It is funny because Max, our two year old, who still is not potty trained, always denies that he has messed his diaper. He never comes and tells me...and sometimes will just keep playing until Savannah comes along and announces that Max has poop. So that is what you see in this the way, Max's favorite toys are his grill and his play he is cooking up everthing from eggs to apples on his grill.
This illustration cracked me up! It reminded me of my two kids. My daughter (4 1/2) ALWAYS runs up to me to tell me that my son (2 1/2) has "poopy pants." I can sooo relate to this!!! :)
Leslie, aka
uh huh, the joys of parenting. Glad you changed your substitle to your website. (by no means is your life boring) Guess you know who this is.
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