Karson's Birthday Party
What a day! As I was feeding Karson his lunch, I noticed some sores on his tongue and inside on his cheeks...thinking they might have something to do with the small blister type thing on his knee I became concerned and called my sister. She came over and after talking to a nurse on the phone, I decided to take him up to Med-Plus to confirm her suspicions. She said it was Hand, foot and Mouth disease and if that was the case...I was going to have to call people and cancel the birthday party that was planned for later. Sure enough, that was the diagnosis...so we made phone calls to the parents with kids and let them decide whether they'd want to come. After all that, we got home and got things ready for the party. Everyone we invited came except for Mike and Shelly and their kids, and Grandma Penny. Anyway, we had a nice dinner, opened presents,

and then it was time for the cake. We lit the candle and excited with anticipation watched closely to see what Karson would do...since one year olds typically display behavior that adults find to be comical. As soon as I set him in front of the cake, quite unexpectedly and in an instant, I saw that he had grabbed the flame and snuffed it out with his little hand.

Standing behind him, I couldn't see his reaction, but realized quickly by the expressions on our guests' faces that he was crying in pain. Poor little guy. I quickly grabbed an ice cube out of a nearby drink and held it in his hand. He still had wax in between his fingers. But he didn't get a burn. I can't believe I was so oblivious that I didn't anticipate that something like that could happen.

In the photo that Sam took right afterward I am smiling - but it is out of sheer embarassment that I felt so stupid for not being more cautious. Anyway, Karson quickly recovered and was reintroduced to the cake. His face still wet with tears, he dove right in to a corner piece with lots of frosting and thoroughly enjoyed every crumb.
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