Last Friday...I cannot believe I have been putting my journaling off so much...Sam and I drove to South Bend to pick up Max and Savannah from Grandma and Grandpa camp. While they were gone, we did the "Princess Room" for Savannah. It was a blast to make it over. When we got home, the first thing we did was "THE BIG REVEAL." She was so surprised. She said thanks a million times. Mom and Dad were so great to keep the kids one more day so we could get it just how we wanted. It is awesome...the pictures below don't do much for what it really looks like in person.

I went and worked on my classroom a few days last week and pretty much all this we had two professional development days. I was excited to get someone's leftover desk at Memorial. I did not have a desk at that building...and there is little space for one, so I had to rearrange some shelf units and tables to make it fit. I am doing a space theme in my classroom this year. It looks pretty cool. Today I spent from 7:45 until 4:15 working on my classrooms and doing last minute preps. We start with kids on Monday.
Last Saturday I spent a few hours helping Cyndi with Andrew's room. She is redecorating his room as well. She decided on a sports theme. It was a great time to do it too. Andrew's birthday was on the 15th so he got all kinds of things for his birthday to accessorize his sports room. Anyway, Cyndi wanted to do baseball stitching in stripes on the top half of the wall which is now white on top, red on the bottom. We tried to figure out a way to make it so we wouldn't have to do it by using a stamp or something...but nothing we tried really worked well. We ended up drawing lines with a level, painting them with a size 2 paintbrush and stamping the v shaped stitching on top of the lines about every 2 inches or so. We used a box corner for the v stitch...but it didn't work really well, and needed touching up after. By the time we finished about 6 of the lines (maybe a quarter of one wall) it was 12:30 am...and we were seriously thinking about just doing two walls instead of the whole room. Later I went back to see how it came out (because I left around that time) and Cyndi had decided to just finish that one wall and not do the others. Good choice, I say.
Tonight Cyndi and I went to Ladies night was a church the Ganton's. They had pontoon rides, and other outdoor sports set up, stamping stuff, the pool was open (indoor), and glamour shots where we could get makeovers, get our hair done and have our pictures taken dressed up in Judy's clothes, jewelry and hats. There were college age girls up to 70 year old women. They had a blast. It looked like a lot of fun. Cyndi and I made the books described below, walked around, ate dinner, then skipped out on the glamour shots to go see a movie. We had a free ticket for GKC so we went to see Collateral. A good movie...a tad violent though...interesting however because the main character's name is Max Durocher. Cool huh? You gotta wonder how they come up with names for the characters in the movie scripts...wouldn't it be weird if they actually did get the name from Max's birth announcement or something. That would be cool. Anyway, I illustrated the directions for assembling this cool little doesn't have to be for coupons, but I think it is a practical function for it. Maybe it could be a gift, or even a journal.

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