In the zone

Sam was definitely on a roll this weekend. I don't know what got into him, but he did so much around the house. Not to mention the fact that he hired a guy to come and install our new back door (finally...we've had the door for almost a year!). It looks awesome and we all feel much more secure as our old door (old wooden) could have easily been kicked down by a hostile intruder. He also cleaned out garbage and debris from under the stairs and mulched around the side of the house. He moved our doorbell to outside of our new door and moved the lock to the inside of our bedroom door. He cleaned his office and installed a new threshold in the doorway between the kitchen and the office. It is so nice to have all those things done. I don't know if he's trying to butter me up for something or what, but I am enjoying this while I can...AND today, when I came home from work, sitting on the kitchen counter was a brand new moleskine sketchbook wrapped up in a map of ITALY! I've been thinking about what I will use for my next journal since the one I am using now will be completed within the next month. I definitely want to go smaller, not because of size so much, but because of weight...I need to have my sketchbook with me all the time, because I never know when I will have to draw or write something down...but it is so heavy when I also have to carry all my school stuff and my shoulder is killing me and any way I can lighten my load would be wonderful. I love this sketchbook. The paper is very smooth and well made...I am not sure how it will do with watercolors, but we shall see. It has a ribbon bookmark and a pocket built into the back cover for holding important papers, tickets, momentos, etc. But my favorite part of my new moleskine journal is the elastic band that wraps around the front to hold everything securely inside...just like my favorite American Eagle Outfitters "Europe" travel journal. The coolest thing is that I never asked about getting one or hinted about it, but that he new exactly what I would want and got it for me - as a surprise - just because he loves me and he loves to see me draw. What more could I ask for?
woohoo Sam, are you the bombdigitty awesome husband or what!!!!!!!!
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