October 22, 2007

Family Pumpkin Night

Tonight we carved our pumpkins with the kids. We bought the pumpkins over a week ago at a farm we had driven by on a detour. They were five bucks each and they had the coolest tops on them. Lot's of character. Savannah and Max helped with cleaning out the pumpkin guts...a very messy job that Karson wanted nothing to do with. I carved the faces...but the kids had drawn them with crayon first. Except for Max who wanted me to carve fly guy from a book he got from his book order today. I did my best, but it doesn't really look like fly guy, so much. Besides carving pumpkins, we also had a fire in the chiminia...but then it started raining. We finished it anyway, it was just a light sprinkle, so it wasn't that bad. When we finished, we took pictures with the candles inside and brought in all the pumpkin seeds so we could roast them in the oven. Yummy!


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