June 30
Today, even though we wanted to, we did not get up early enough to get out to the lot to get the show washed, so we put it off another day. We got there about 11 or so. I opened and worked till almost 5:00. Sam ended up getting armbands for the kids and they rode rides all day. Then around 3:30 they all went and laid down in the octopus truck to take naps. It was pretty slow this afternoon, so I hope Sam does better tonight. You would think that it would be busier on a weekend, but well, everyone was saying that they weren’t doing all that great. Tomorrow, I think, my mom and dad are coming to stay in a hotel here in Muskegon. So we will likely hang out some with them. I don’t know how long I will work, but hopefully we can head over to the beach tomorrow. That would be fun and I know the kids are looking forward to it. Today would have been a great day to go, but I ended up working the show longer than I thought I would and there wasn’t really enough time. For dinner tonight we had hotdogs, plums, chips and salad. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow and possibly to the laundry-mat, but I might wait till Monday to wash clothes. On Monday morning, we also have to take down the trailer and haul it up to the front to empty the tanks. That's a huge pain in the butt. But they are almost full. I told Sam we could probably wait till Monday to do it, but not much longer. It sucks that they can't come around and empty them for us.
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