June 28, 2007

June 28

Our first fair started this past weekend. I have been keeping a log for each day of what we are doing, however I don't always have a place I can connect to the internet. My mom and dad came up as part of their vacation. They are spending a couple of days here and so tonight we came over to go swimming at their pool. Perfect opportunity for me to connect. I just uploaded a bunch of my responses to my reading for my online class that I am taking, so I thought I would update this blog. I have pictures but haven't put them on my computer yet, so maybe I can do that later and upload pics next time.

June 28th

Muskegon Summer Celebration

Today we woke up kind of early. I couldn’t sleep any longer and wanted to check the refrigerator…because last night when we went to sleep, it still wasn’t hardly even cold…so I wanted to see if having the battery charger connected all night kept it running enough to get cold, and it was. That was about 7:30 and Karson was awake, so I had Max go get in bed with Dad and I tore down their bed and set the table back up and fed them all breakfast, because they were all awake by like 8:00 I think. The kids played outside, I cleaned up the camper and then went and took a shower. Sam woke up around 9:00 and then we got ready to go. We stopped at Walmart on the way to buy a few snacks and some car wash stuff…oh yeah, and some wipes…because the kids get so dirty around here with all the sand…I just have the hardest time keeping them clean. We spent the afternoon getting the inside ready, cleaning and filling the tank, working on the vending machine…and gee, I really don’t know what else we did…but it took the whole afternoon. We opened around 5…call was 5:30. Every other day it will be Noon though. We didn’t get a chance to wash the truck. It doesn’t look that bad. The worst is the panel that lays down on the top of the truck. It was filthy and you can kind of tell it looks a little different than the rest, like the colors aren’t as bright. So anyway, we will be washing it tomorrow morning and that means we have to get out of here a little quicker. Sam mentioned something about breakfast on the way, so we will see. I am sure the kids will still want breakfast when they wake up, and not when we want to eat!

The kids were really excited today because Sam went to the pet store to get some stuff to put in the water and they also found some stuff for Hermie. (Hermie is our pet hermit crab who came along with us) We brought him along with us, so nothing would happen to him. They got him 2 new shells, some chew toys (or clawing or something) and some new food. We may have to go back and get some new rocks for his cage too, because I was noticing it was looking kind of dirty…it’s been a while since we cleaned it out. Anyway, the kids were very excited about giving him his new stuff…and by the time we got back home (to the camper), they had all decided who was giving him what. Too funny. He has been really active since it’s been so warm. I think after summer, we may get him a light or heated stone or something. I think he stays in his shell all the time because he doesn’t like it cold.

So the kids did really well tonight. That makes me happy and so much less stressed. I had them take showers, we had a snack, watched a movie, brushed teeth and went to the bathroom and then they willingly climbed into bed. I think they were really tired…and now they are sleeping! (10:16) Of course none of them really had naps, just sleeping in the car for short rides back and forth. They are whipped.

Well, it’s getting late and I hope to make some progress on my class tonight…and maybe tomorrow I can get somewhere to find a wireless connection. I can upload this to my blog and get on the discussion boards for my class and respond to some of the questions. I copied them into a file and then I just respond in that, and then when I connect, I can be faster, just copy and paste and upload my responses. Hopefully it will be that easy.


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