I'm Back

So here are some drawings from my journal. I actually really had hoped to get more drawing done, but well when you are trying to keep track of three kids and know where they are, it's hard to focus on doing much drawing or doing it well. I have to apologize about this first drawing of our campsite. It's really bad, I know...I tried to make it better in Photoshop...it didn't help. It's way off, so just forgive me for how bad of a drawing it is...the point of it was to show what our campsite looked like. By the way, there was way more toys than this drawing shows.

I should tell you that my friend Cary also came along with us. She and her two kids, Abby and Jake. Her husband hates camping as well. Last summer during family camp she ended up coming out every afternoon to swim and hang out and we came up with the idea of doing this together. We seemed to be able to manage the five kids pretty well between the two of us and so that's how it came about. We borrowed this trailer from some very generous friends. It was such a nice accomodation for all of us. The air conditioning was wonderful. It even had a microwave! We had a great time hanging out and doing all the camp stuff. The nice thing about family camp is we can drop off the kids in the nursery tent and bible school tent and we can be with adults for 2 hours. Each morning and evening there were services to go to. Our new superintendent (of Southern Michigan Conference of Free Methodist Churches) was the speaker. His talks were really good and inspiring. Sometimes, I got out my journal and drew during the services...the above drawing was one of those.

I painted this picture in the dark one night.

I have been looking for a journaling bag for quite sometime. I haven't had much luck, finding something that suits me. At camp they were selling some bags, purses and such that were made in Africa by African women. They use the the money to support their families. It is a really neat ministry. Anyway...I found a great bag. It's just a bit bigger than my journal, but I can also fit in several other things. It has an inside pocket, for money or whatever...and I just love the patterns on the fabric. I tried to draw it here. I am really loving this bag. It's perfect. And it's so me.

Probably the most exciting thing that happened was we discovered a Luna moth near our camper one morning. There had been a bad rain storm during the night and we found him under a tarp we had covered the toys with. He was so badly injured and moved very little. His wings were wet and he had lost parts of them probably trying to fly. When he did fly he could only get a couple of feet at a time and then he would rest for 5 minutes or so. So I drew him during one of those times. The kids were amazed with it, and chased it around. He really was beautiful and I don't think I have ever seen one in person before. Actually I didn't know what it was until the eight year old camping next to us pulled out his insect guide and identified it for me.

Julie, these paintings are so wonderful! You may have wished for more drawing time, but what you did manage to capture is, to my taste at least, breathtakingly beautiful! Thanks.
each of your drawings is different and unique...i like all of them and the campsite drawing is also wonderful....i almost forgot i have stomach pain looking and reading your journal....thanks for sharing
Welcome back Julie..these drawings are SO beautiful. I enjoy every drawing you post. Good to have you back!
These are just beautiful! I feel like I've had a little camping trip with you. I looove how you rendered the trees in the tentcampers drawing. And the fire-amazing you did that in the dark. I think the camper drawing is charming too. Good for you finding time to do so many.
I really enjoyed these drawings Julie, especially the one of the tents. Looks like a great place for a break. Thanks for sharing.
I really like reading people's stories along with the illustrations. These are great - you actually got quite a lot of drawing done, in spite of so many other activities. I especially like the way you've handled the smoke from the fire; and the salt cellars.
some great drawings here, lovely work.
I really enjoyed seeing your drawings and hearing about your time camping. Love the idea of 2 families! Lindsay
I really like this series of drawings--I think you did a LOT under the circumstances. They show what a wide stylistic range you have and they tell your story beautifully.
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