Max Draws Bubblegum

This morning after eating breakfast with the boys, Max decided he wanted to draw. So we got out the big roll of paper and both of us drew. Max was doing a great job making circles. I told him so. He then informed me that those were not circles, they were bubblegum balls. He really has some kind of obsession with food...esp. cake and bubblegum. The other day, Jasmin made him a bubble gum jello cake and bright blue frosting with bubblegum balls and candy sprinkles. He loves it. Last night we went to Shelly and Mike's house and Max found some plastic blueberries that he would not put down. Shelly ended up giving them to Max to take home and he was so happy! What a crazy kid.
I drew this with one of those extra big black crayon's...the kind you used when you were in Kindergarten...It was kind of fun!
Julie, what a great drawing! Drawing with crayons -- it shouldn't be such a novel idea, but it is! I think I'll have to try and borrow some from a friend's kids!
This is great--you really captured the concentration in his eyes. I love that you did it in crayon like he is using too.
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