Speaking of Grids (again)
An email I received from Linda, the one who did the garden grid. Thought you might like to hear someone else's perspective.
Hi Julie
Thank you for your comments about my grid. I don't use the grid as a 30 day exercise. Actually I tried, but I have so little confidence that I rarely put in a day. Then I got the idea to use the grid in a different way. I printed a pile of them out on cardstock. I purchased a ream of it. Then I gave them different subject headings, starting very simply.
I made a grid for 30 blue things.
A grid for 30 red things.
30 yellow things.
30 orange things.
30 purple things.
30 green things.
30 pink things.
30 white things.
30 trees.
30 flowers.
30 faces.
30 teapots.
Someone else could do
30 doorknobs.
30 animals.
30 trucks.
30 insects.
30 hats.
30 whatever you like to draw.
30 whatever you are interested in.
It is so versatile and I don't feel pressured, and a failure, if I don't do one every day. I can do 10 in one day if I want to. I can fill the grid if I want to. (I've never done that.) On my garden grid I started using watercolors but then switched to Derwent watercolor pencils. I found out its a good idea to be sure the pen you are using is waterproof if you want to use paint over it. The grid is good for beginners like me who have no confidence. If I look at a tree and think "I could never draw that", I can always tell myself "but I can draw a single leaf on a grid." Maybe eventually I will be able to put a lot of those little grid sketches together and make a real grownup painting some day. I have decided to put two dates on the bottom of each grid. One for the day I did the first little sketch and the second date for when the grid was filled. That way in the future I will have some kind of time frame. I am attaching my yard and garden grid. You can use it any way you want to. Thanks for asking.
I forgot to mention, I am left handed, so the first sketch I did is on the bottom row on the right, and I worked my way to the left and up. I can't do anything the "normal" way.

lovely grid! i love how you drew the fabric with the peace sign. i can't draw fabric hihihi =)
Just to be clear...I can't take credit for this grid...It was done by Linda. I asked her if I could post it on my blog so that you could see it. I am sorry if it wasn't clear who the artist was.
I bet the people who like doing grids would like the storyboard moleskine notebook! I got one of those and it's lovely to draw in just the square on the page :-)
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