What amazes me
Today we received a handcarved wooden star ornament from Indonesia. My sister-in-law and her husband are missionaries there. It is really cool. I'll have to find out if it has a story behind it. Anyway Savannah was admiring it with me and then I got busy getting dinner ready. I walked back into the room, and there she was...the star ornament sitting next to a piece of paper that she had found to draw on...clever as she is, I am sure she traced it first, but then continued by trying to add each detail of that carved ornament. How awesome! That amazed me.

I was checking out some sites that I frequent and saw something that amazed me. This photo was taken of a bookstore in San Francisco where an artist named Chris Cobb arranged every one of the 20,000 books in that store by color. It is breathtaking. I love the quote from him that Andrea included in her blog. It amazes me when beauty and the potential for it can be found in something that people pass by everyday, oblivious to it.
My evening tonight was spent with the kids, and while they were entertaining themselves with dressing up like princesses (Savannah had a friend over) and playing "Head Game" (a.k.a. Mr. Mouth) I grabbed a few minutes to make up some Golden Tickets which will be Savannah's invitations to her Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory birthday party.

The labels on the candy bar will look better when they get printed in color tomorrow...and I kind of didn't want to ruin the surprise for when we hand them out later, but oh well, only a couple of people on the invite list will probably read this before then, so I guess it's no big deal. This is going to be a really fun party. I love to plan theme birthday parties! Especially the creative ones...not just Barbie or Dora or something commercial. I can't believe she is going to be 5 already!
Now, I am going to spend the next 20 minutes cleaning up around the house and getting ready for tomorrow. We (all the teachers and the students too, I am sure) are all hoping for a snow day or at least a two-hour delay tomorrow as we are expecting a bunch of snow overnight. By tomorrow night we could have up to 11 inches! But most of it is expected after we would be at school and our school district rarely cancels school...so maybe I am getting my hopes up for nothing.
I came across your site while doing a search for wonka images because I am thinking of using it as the theme for my son's first birthday(July 20, 2005). I would like it very much if you could give me the details of your daughter's party.
Pamela Henry
Pamela..hopefully you will check back on my comments, because you left me no way to contact you. We didn't do much in the way of games...it was a big party with lots of kids and it was very feesable to do much besides eat and open presents. The cake was the coolest, we did a double layer cake and frosted it with frosting all except for the river which was done in chocolate pudding...I used marshmallows to build up a mountain and frosted them. We made trees with bubble gum balls and straws that we cut up and decorated the rest of the cake with gumdrops and other candies. We had a little baby figure so we stuck "Augustus" in the chocolate river sunk to his neck. It was a great cake. Have fun with the theme! We also had willly wonka music from the movie and from Harry Conick Jr.s album Songs I heard playing in the background
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