My friends and family have been bugging me to update my site...some with gentle words others have their more harsh know who you are...anyway, you are right. I have been putting this off too long. Maybe because when I am on vacation, I love to relax, be spontaneous...all that to say that I really have just been lazy about posting. So I made a commitment to myself to get this updated before the end of the year and here it is, the last day possible that I could be updating my blog. And I will try to do everything right now, if I don't get distracted by having to break up arguments or change diapers. DISTRACTION #1 (I spoke too soon) Max's leg was stuck in the footstool of the recliner! I wanted to do something really creative for our Christmas Cards this year, but it kept getting put my creative idea, which I may use another year, evolved into running to Target to get some photo cards that I put together and sent out on Christmas Eve. Oh well, at least I got them done.
Anyway, we all had a lovely Christmas with our family. My mom and dad came on Christmas eve and spent the night. Savannah and I decorated a little Christmas tree for their room and they thought that was really special. After our Christmas Eve Service at church, we came home and put the kids to bed in their new pajamas from Christmas Elfis (that's a long story and really only sounds right coming from Savannah) and then stayed up till like 2:00 filling stockings and putting together Christmas presents for the kids. I actually drew this picture before then, but you can get an idea of what it kind of looked like around our house for Christmas.

DISTRACTION #2 phone call from Jason, DISTRACTION #3 Savannah "accidentally" hit Max on the head with a toy hammer, DISTRACTION #4 Max has a big booger...back to blogging: I am not looking forward to putting away all the decorations this weekend. Our home looks so cozy & festive with all of the Christmas stuff out. And it looks so bare when I put it away because I don't have much to replace it with. Our Christmas was great and we were able to buy the kids some nice gifts. We got Savannah the Loving Family dollhouse, Max got geotrax trains and everybody loves playing with them, Karson got a workbench with tools and stuff. He thinks it's cool to pound on everything, walls, brother and sister, etc. We also got some neat gifts for the kids from our family. My mom made dress up clothes for the kids. They are awesome. She is still planning to make more, but that has to be the most played with thing so far. They all love it...Max even has a little fireman outfit. Sam's dad got the boys these cute chairs that are shaped like a sheep and a cow. They actually moo and baa. They are so cool.

DISTRACTION #5 Max wants a candy cane
On Christmas day I had my family do a page in my journal...this is what it turned out like...

DISTRACTION #6 Max is screaming because Savannah won't let him in her room & I decided to take a now I am back...

I drew this stack of boxes that has been sitting here since Tuesday, after we unloaded all our Christmas presents from visiting Sam's parents, and I am amazed at the amount of trash Christmas produces...I am sorry to say that this is only about one third of what we actually threw away, because most of it went out in Monday's trash pick up. Is that crazy? Imagine the amount of trash if everyone has as much as we do. Holy cow! Sam has been sick the past few days so that is why we haven't gotten the trash out yet...that and the fact that we've been running around doing stuff everyday and not taking a lot of time to clean up our house.
Today, after I get back from grocery shopping I plan to finish cleaning up, get some laundry done, clear out the porch and move toys down to the basement playroom for the winter. (that was supposed to get done in November!) Then tonight we are having our friends over to hang out for New Years Eve. It should be fun.
So our vacation is drawing to a close and I am glad to have had all the time to spend with my kids. I miss them so much when I am working, but I never realize how much until I get to be home with them. They are so awesome.
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