Not a Typical Day
Today was a kind of strange day. I had NCA meetings scheduled for the morning...while I was in the meeting Sam called to inform me that Jasmin was not going to come to babysit today because she had the flu...which I am sure she caught from the kids...anyway, they found someone to cover my afternoon classes and I headed over to pick Savannah and Andrew up from preschool. Cyndi was at my house with my kids and Alyssa. So we came home, ate lunch, and Cyndi left to run erands while I watched the kids. They played great. I snoozed a little while all the little ones were down for their naps. Savannah and Andrew watched Shrek. When Cyndi came to pick up the kids she mentioned she smelled gas...I had also smelled gas when I turned on the stove to cook our grilled cheeses at I called Consumers...they act like it is so serious...and told me to leave the house. Well, Karson was still sleeping, but I decided to wake him up and bring the kids outside to play while I raked the leaves into the street. (Tomorrow is leaf collection day - nothing like waiting till the last minute!) Anyway, while we waited for the Consumers guy to show up, Savannah fell off her bike and Karson sat in a mud puddle. Max was my little helper, picking up one leaf at a time and walking all the way to the leaf pile and dropping it on the top, while announcing to the world that he was helping. It was so cute. It was one of those moments you hope to never forget. How simple a child's mind think that carrying one leaf to that huge pile would make a difference. Well, I guess it did, because I noticed it and gave him a big hug for helping. The consumer's guy showed up and after I informed him that we had paint fumes from painting our dining room with KILZ, he shook his head as if to say "that's why you smell gas." Evidently if you are painting or staining and the fumes are lingering, any time you are operating a gas appliance, the smell of gas that is normally there, but usually unnoticible, is intensified...When my sister came to pick the kids up, I had been running the dryer and it vents into the driveway which is where we could smell it the most. I did not know that, so I learned something new today. But he also found a small gas leak in our funace which he repaired, so I was glad that I called him.
I should apologize that when I tell stories I go into so much detail...that's how I am...all about the details. It drives Sam crazy. He is always telling me to get to the point.

In my drawing class on Tuesday, I brought in some Christmas ornaments to draw. We talked about color, and I showed them some techniques with color pencils, watercolor pencils and pastels. I drew these with watercolor pencils and then used my waterbrush on it. I really like them. They were fun to draw and it got me excited about getting all the Christmas stuff out next week. I hope to be able to buy some new ornaments and decorations next week. Maybe mom will come with me. Mom and Dad are coming on Wednesday to stay for the whole weekend. I am really looking forward to having them here, but we have two big projects to complete before then...1. Our dining room...needs to be painted with texture paint, then glazed. 2. Our half bathroom...Needs drywall to repaire the crumbling plater, primed, painted with texture paint and painted some color...I was thinking RED. I also picked up some Oops paint from home depot that is lime green - the future color of my kitchen, to replace the Tea Rose wallpaper.
We started an artists community group at our church on Wednesday nights. I really enjoy getting together with the other ladies that are in our group. It isn't necessarily a women's group, but it's just been the seven of us so far. We bring stuff to work on, we ask each other advice, we talk about art (sometimes) and we pray together. It is something I find myself looking forward to each week.
I am also looking forward to sketchcrawl on Sunday. I only know of one person who is coming for sure...I hope we have more and I hope the weather is decent enough that we can draw. It's been really rainy lately.
gorgeous artwork!
and your group sounds lovely. i did "the artist's way" in a group and i loved the experience of having a group of women to gather with. it was unintentionally spirtitual.
I love the drawing of the christmas ornaments. I am so in love with Christmas (too)!
This reminds me of by gone days. I love it when you are detailed, it is a way of knowing who you are and how you view things. So don't apologize. Bottom line people sometimes miss the frosting on the cake in areas of life that really matter. But then again, they get a lot done, and sift through life's ordinary problems with a little more ease. So I guess we need each other to realize our gifts and tallents and bring out the best in each other, which you are doing so awesomely (coined word) Keep on keepin on and be a Tigger not an Eyore, well maybe you are more like Christopher Robin.
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