Our Week at Family Camp - Somerset Beach
We arrived at our campsite in the afternoon on Saturday. Sam and Dad had been over to set up camp on Friday night. When we got there we moved things around to make it the way we wanted and then cooked some hotdogs for all of us and just hung out the rest of the night. After we got the boys to bed, we sat outside and started a fire in our new Chiminia. We brought it to camp, not knowing that fire rings were going to be provided...but we are looking forward to having fires in it at home on our patio as well. The Cole's came over and we hung out and roasted marshmallows with Savannah.
Our campsite was non-electric and it was so hot during the first part of the week that air conditioning would have made our camping experience much more tolerable. I had a wonderful time (most days) with the kids. They loved it. Savannah thought it was the best. Sam spent a few afternoons off the camp grounds working and running errends...but Cary and the kids came over every day and had lunch with us and then we all went to the beach together everyday. Savannah had fun swimming with Abby and Grace (towards the end of the week). A family from our church camped near by, so Savannah also made new friends with their kids, Kierra and Sydney. Max confronted his fear of bugs...and now is very aware of their presence letting us know with a concerned "uh-oh, py, py!" (translation: py = fly) He has become very skilled in the stomping of any ant, beetle, silverfish, or spider that crosses his path or anyone elses.
Somerset had a great program for the kids. Savannah went to VBS every morning with Abby. She learned new songs, made some very cute crafts and even learned a bible verse - John 3:16. The boys spent all morning in Tot Lot, playing in a sandbox, swinging, riding the merry-go-round and going down the slide. Max's favorite was the swing, definitely. I enjoyed having the opportunity to leave the kids and attend Pastor Hill's excellent bible study on Colossians with Cary. Pastor Hill also preached in the evening service every night in the big tent tabernacle.
On Wednesday, when Grace came, she brought her stuff to make friendship bracelets...so we all ended up making them. Cary made one and I made one for me, Max and Savannah. I guess Grace has started a business making them and selling them for profit...she calls them "Gracelets"...she is quite the enterprising little six-year-old.
We had fun in the evenings after the services hanging out at different campsites, making s'mores and hobo pies with our friends. The change of pace from our routines at home was relaxing and enjoyable for me. Sam isn't so all about camping. For me, family camp was the highlight of our summers growing up. We went to family camp at Covenant Hills in the East Michigan conference (Free Methodist Church). Being here brought back so many fond memories of camping with my family when I was little. I defintely want to go again next year...and I figure it has to be easier then, because the kids will all be 1 year older.
Pretty good likeness of our trailer. How fun to reminice to the good ole days when we used to go to camp. I'm glad we invested in camping. It is so neat
to see you enjoying the same pleasure with your kids. MOM
Hi Julie! I was checking to see if I could find the email address for Somerset Beach camp and I stumbled across your website. How fun to read about people I know from a 3rd party perspective. Especially since Lissa was just telling me a story the other day that involved Gracelets. Alex Metricarti
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