This brings back memories of my daughter giving me a very special present one time ... a little square of white paper, neatly folded up ... with a pillbug inside! She was about two.
What a darling illustration! Even though it only has the arm of the child, it's like I can see the smile anyway. It is a great reminder to appreciate the little things in life. Bravo!
Hey, in a few years, you'll be lucky to hear a mumbled hullo and g'bye from the same kid. Great Illustration ! You have a fantastic style !
This brings back memories of my daughter giving me a very special present one time ... a little square of white paper, neatly folded up ... with a pillbug inside! She was about two.
Such a precious bouquet you shared with us!
This is lovely, especially the way you have the composition set so that the arm is off to the side. Very nice feel to this watercolor.
this is beatiful. very inspriring
Very sweet sentiment! I like the way the soft background offsets the lined forground.
so well done, you can tell what's going on even without the note!
This is nice i love the contrast between the watercolor and the penmark.
What a darling illustration! Even though it only has the arm of the child, it's like I can see the smile anyway. It is a great reminder to appreciate the little things in life. Bravo!
Beautiful. Did you use pen over the watercolor?
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